Lightroom 4.3 Released by Adobe
- At December 13, 2012
- By John
- In Lightroom, Lightroom 4.3, Lightroom News, Software

Lightroom 4.3 Available for Download
Today Adobe have announced their 3rd update to Lightroom 4. Version 4.3 of Lightroom is to provide additional camera raw and lens profile support and correct a number of bugs that were introduced in previous releases. Lightroom 4.3 also provides support for the new Retina display on the Apple Macbook Pro. Retina support is only available in the library and develop modules, but this means that images need no longer be scaled and thumbnail images should be far more detailed.
Bug fixes in Lightroom 4.3
Adobe lists the following bug fixes in Lightroom 4.3:
- Auto-layout produces a Book with the correct amount of pages but without any images added. Note that this only occurs when the filter is set to “Unused”.
- Uploading large panorama images to Revel caused Lightroom to crash.
- The “Unused” filter was not properly filtering images within the Book Module.
- Lightroom hangs while changing the Exposure adjustment by typing in a numeric adjustment. Please note that this only occurs when the Enter key is not typed to confirm the adjustment and another Develop adjustment is tried. Also please note that this only occurs on Windows.
- After creating a new folder in Lightroom, attempting to undo that folder can sometimes cause a corrupt catalog.
- An image can be simultaneously flagged as both a Pick and Reject at the same time.
- Using multiple colours within a single text cell within the Book Module can cause Lightroom to crash.
- Unable to post photos to Flickr when the image file name contains an apostrophe.
- The active Develop slider, the one controlled with + and – keys, defaults to Exposure when moving from one photo to another.
- Catalogs from Photoshop Elements 11 would not update in Lightroom.
- Site titles longer than 70 characters created in the Web Module can cause Lightroom to freeze.
- Cell padding linking lost between sessions.
- Deleting the top image in a stack causes the entire stack to disappear.
- Tethered capture fails when turning camera off and back on. This also can occur if the camera goes to sleep and then wakes. This occurs only with Canon cameras and on Mac only.
- Cropping an image to a small size sometimes causes the image in Develop to become blurry.
- AVCHD video formats are not properly importing into Lightroom. Please note that this only occurred on Mac.
- Enable Profile Corrections does not auto find iPhone 4 profile.
- Crop doesn’t update in second monitor if navigator panel closed. Please note that this only occurred on Mac.
- TIFF files can experience tonal shifts within Lightroom.
- Mask overlay are displayed in filmstrip and navigator. They should only be displayed in the Develop Loupe.
- Video files created on an iPhone 4 flickers when played in Lightroom.
RAW file support is provided for an additional 20 cameras in Lightroom 4.3 which include a number of high end compact cameras and the only just released Canon 6D. Lightroom 4.3 provides new lens profiles with Leica being the main recipient with over 25 Leica lens profiles included. The Lightroom 4.3 update is free to existing owners and you can download your copy of Lightroom 4.3 here.